In today's fast-paced world, we are frequently faced with countless decisions—both big and small. From financial investments to health-related matters, career choices to personal relationships, the ability to make the right decision quickly and confidently can make all the difference in our lives.
While many rely solely on data, logic, and analysis to make decisions, an increasing number of people are recognizing the power of intuition as a vital tool in the decision-making process.
Let’s start by breaking down intuition in a simple way.
Intuition is described as a cognitive process, an inner knowing, or a sense that goes beyond rational thinking and logical reasoning.
You can call intuition as your gut feeling or inner voice guides whether you can trust a stranger, change your career path, or avoid a certain situation, even when there's no concrete factual information or data to back it up.
So, can you train your intuition to make bullet-proof decisions? The answer is Yes, absolutely!
In this blog post, we will explore what intuition is, how it works, and, most importantly, how to develop and sharpen it for better decision-making.
Before we explore how to train your intuition, let us understand how intuition differs from logic.
How Intuition Differs From Logic
Logic, as we know it, is based on rational and systematic thinking based on facts and evidence. Intuition, on the other hand, is more methodical, driven by Universal patterns, and abstract. It is often described as "knowing without knowing how you know."
Intuition draws from the subconscious mind, where past experiences, emotions, and perceptions combine to give you insight that feels instinctual.
To put it scientifically, neuroscience explains intuition as the brain's processing of massive amounts of information and data acquired from everything happening around us and within us.
This subconscious processing enables the brain to derive similar patterns based on all our experiences for super-quick decision-making.
Intuition can be physical, such as signs of anxiety, restlessness, or discomfort in the physical body. It can manifest as deep emotions such as anger, sadness, and excitement. It can also be metaphysical, such as noticing energy shifts in the room, observing how energy moves among people, or observing a person's general ‘vibe.’
Why is intuition important, and how can it be developed?
We all live in crazy times when we constantly experience information through television, entertainment, the news, and the opinions of our friends, family, and community. This information bombardment often affects our decision-making by creating confusion or doubts in our minds.
We fight between the decisions that we want to make for ourselves and the decisions we feel others would choose to make for us. This is where intuition plays a pivotal role by slashing off the outside noise and helping us make quick and confident decisions for our greatest good.
The power of intuition lies in its ability to uncover complex information quickly and efficiently. If you can quickly tap into your intuition through practice and repetition, you will develop a deep trust in your decision-making ability. You will know exactly what needs to be done, said, or experienced as the natural flow of energy.
Intuition can help you to proactively detect hidden risks or opportunities, allowing you to visualize things beyond the obvious and rational in a particular situation.
Let us now explore different practices to train and fine-tune your intuition to make more reliable and better decisions.
1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation
One of the best ways to strengthen your intuition is through mindfulness and meditation. These practices help quiet the noisy, overactive mind, creating space for intuitive insights to emerge.
In a world filled with distractions, we often fail to hear our inner voice because it is drowned out by external noise. You can tune into your inner world by consistently practicing present awareness and mindfulness.
You can engage in mindful activities such as deep breathing, walking in nature, or simply observing your thoughts without judgment. Nature acts as a healing force through our ability to reconnect with our ‘humanness.’ By tapping into their space of nonjudgment and present awareness, you are allowing your thoughts and feelings to be experienced without developing an attachment to their origin or outcome.
This practice of mindfulness and nonjudgement will increase your awareness of the present moment, where intuition operates most freely and effectively.
Regular meditation is also a powerful technique to train your mind to become more in tune with your body’s subtle signals. It allows you to listen to your inner guidance and recognize intuitive signals.
Although some find meditation difficult, it should be noted that meditation is a practice like chess, soccer, or the violin. It takes consistency and repetition when developing a spiritual practice like meditation.
Try to set aside 10-20 minutes daily to meditate in silence. If your monkey mind won’t allow the silence, you can try a guided meditation practice focused on intuition.
Over time, mindfulness and meditation will help you distinguish between intuitive and fearful ego, allowing you to make more straightforward decisions.
2. Learn to Trust Your Gut Feeling
The phrase "trust your gut" is a common way to describe intuition. In many cases, your body is a direct messenger for your subconscious mind.
Physical sensations like a knot in your stomach, a sense of calm, or a tingling sensation can indicate if something is calling your attention.
Pay attention to your body. Before making a decision, pause and check in with any physical sensations. How does it feel? Does the idea of a particular choice or outcome make you feel tense or relaxed? Learning to interpret these signals can give you valuable clues about what your intuition is trying to tell you.
A powerful way to understand your intuition is to journal about your experiences. Consider writing down instances where you followed your gut feeling and noting the results. Did you feel proud of the outcome of your decision? Or did it leave a sour feeling in your mouth or stomach? Over time, you’ll see patterns emerge, reinforcing trust in your intuition.
3. Engage in Active Listening
Intuition is not just about listening to your inner voice; it's also about paying attention to subtle cues from the world around you.
Engaging in active listening means being fully present in conversations and environments, picking up on what’s being said—and unsaid.
Learn to listen beyond words, some might say. People communicate through body language, tone of voice, and energetic shifts. By tuning into these non-verbal cues, you can better understand what someone truly means or feels.
However, be careful not to make assumptions. Ask clarifying questions or frankly state the obvious, such as ‘Hey Meesh, I’ve noticed you’ve been quieter than usual. Is everything okay?’
Practicing empathy also allows you to improve your active listening abilities. This state of emotional awareness enables you to understand others' emotions and perspectives more deeply and intimately.
This form of emotional intuition can help you make decisions that are not only beneficial to you but also consider the needs and feelings of others.
4. Cultivating Self-Awareness
Self-awareness is key to developing a strong intuition. The more you know yourself—your values, desires, fears, and patterns—the easier it is to differentiate between true intuitive insights and reactions based on old emotional baggage or external pressure.
To improve self-awareness, taking time to introspect your decisions, actions, and thought processes is important. What motivates your choices? Are you making decisions from a place of fear? Are you truly aligned with your inner self?
Take a self-inventory; what are the assumptions about love, money, relationships, family, and community that create the embodiment of you? What ideas in your subconscious mind dictate your day-to-day decisions? Do you still align with values instilled in you by your family during infancy, or have you decided to adopt a new way of experiencing the world?
Through deeper self-reflection and evaluation, you recognize the situations, people, or emotions that trigger undesirable reactions or cloud your judgment. By doing so, you can avoid making decisions driven by anxiety or insecurity and instead tap into your intuition with clarity.
5. Balancing Logic with Intuition
While intuition is powerful, it doesn't mean we need to abandon logic altogether. The best decisions often come from a combination of intuitive insight and rational thought. By blending the two, you can make more well-rounded, bullet-proof decisions.
Some prefer to subscribe to the 80/20 rule for intuition and logic. Use your intuition to guide 80% of your decisions and logic for the remaining 20%.
For example, if you need to decide between pursuing a relationship with a new romantic partner, tap into your intuition when you are around this person. What insights can you gain within your body, mind, and spirit that will lead you to a confident answer? Then, tap into logic, recognizing aspects of this person, such as whether this person will align with your current lifestyle. Do they have a similar outlook on the future? Do they understand and respect your values? This allows you to trust your instincts while still using reason to check for any potential red flags or missed details.
You can also tap into logic by creating a pros and cons list. Create the list, but before finalizing your decision, ask yourself how you feel about the conclusion. Does it resonate with you on a gut level? If something still feels off, your intuition might signal that further consideration is needed.
6. Feed Your Subconscious Mind
Intuition is controlled by your subconscious mind, which processes vast amounts of information and experiences, even if you’re not consciously aware of it. The more you expose yourself to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences, the more material your subconscious has to draw from when making decisions.
Open your mind to new literature. Read books, articles, and blogs on a variety of subjects. This literary pursuit not only broadens your knowledge but also stimulates your literary mind, allowing for more intuitive connections between seemingly unrelated topics.
Open yourself to new environments, cultures, and food. Traveling to new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures helps expand your mental and emotional horizons. These experiences enrich your subconscious, giving you more intuitive material to make decisions.
Try new and fun activities. Engaging in creative hobbies like writing, painting, or playing music can help you easily access your intuitive mind.
Creativity and intuition are deeply linked; trying new creative pursuits can show you a different angle to the definition of beauty, trust, and exploration. Creativity allows you to tap into your inner wisdom and approach problems from fresh perspectives.
7. Practice Decision-Making
Just like any skill, intuition improves with practice. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Start with small decisions and gradually work your way up to more significant ones.
Quick Decisions Exercise: Set a timer for 30 seconds and make a decision about something trivial, like what to eat for dinner or what to wear. Trust the first answer that comes to mind. Over time, this exercise will help you build trust in your intuition.
Reflect on Past Decisions: Look back on decisions you've made, both good and bad. Analyze how your intuition played a role. Were there any intuitive signals you ignored? Learning from your past decisions helps refine your intuitive decision-making.
8. Get Comfortable with Uncertainty
One of the reasons people shy away from using their intuition is fear of uncertainty. Intuitive decisions often lack concrete evidence or a clear rationale, which can feel unsettling.
However, training your intuition involves learning to trust it, even when the path isn’t fully illuminated.
Understand that uncertainty is a natural part of life. Instead of seeking absolute certainty, learn to embrace the unknown and trust that your intuition will guide you in the right direction.
Sometimes, making the best decision involves letting go of the need to control every outcome. Trust that your intuition, combined with thoughtful reflection, will lead you where you need to go, even if you can't immediately see the full picture.
Final Words
Training your intuition to make bullet-proof decisions is a powerful process that requires practice, patience, and self-awareness.
Remember, while developing your intuition, you may need more confidence, emotional bias, or overthinking. However, by cultivating habits of mindfulness practices, self-trust, and a balance between logic and gut feelings, you can sharpen your intuitive abilities and make confident decisions in any area of life.
As you learn to trust your inner guidance, you’ll find that your intuition becomes a reliable ally, helping you navigate life's complexities with clarity, confidence, and purpose.
About The Author-Meesh Carra

Meesh Carra, also known as "The Nomadic Medium," discovered her psychic abilities after a profound spiritual journey. Raised with a fascination for the unseen, she connected with her gifts through meditation, travel, and plant medicine ceremonies. With a background in Psychology and Sociology, she offers psychic and mediumship readings, helping people find closure and spiritual clarity. Having worked with individuals globally, Meesh integrates mindfulness into her practice to guide others toward their purpose.
For more, visit Meesh Carra's About page.